Participation and Agency in Deciding about Future Activities in Two Environments of Health Care

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Speaker: Professor Johanna Ruusuvuori, University of Tampere, Finland

Date: 18 November 2016 (Friday)

Time: 12:45-2:00 pm

Venue: Room 205, Runme Shaw Building, HKU 

Chair: Dr. Susan Bridges, Faculty of Education/Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU 



About the Talk

The talk will introduce observations from two research projects within health care where participation in decision making is in focus. The first deals with decision-making in hearing aid rehabilitation and the second with return to work negotiations between employers, employees and health care personnel following a lengthy period of sick leave. In both, the participants make long term decisions concerning the patients’/the empoloyee’s future activities. I will discuss the ways in which patient/employee participation in decision-making is made possible and what can be said about agency in these two environments. The method used in the studies is conversation analysis.

About the Speaker

Johanna Ruusuvuori is a Professor of Social Psychology in the University of Tampere, Finland. Her research interests include Social interaction at work (professionals, clients and multiprofessional cooperation), Work-life participation (quality of working life, rehabilitation, workplace accommodation), Practices, processes and effectiveness in the provision of health care, Emotion in interaction, Intertwine of vocal and non-vocal interaction, Qualitative methodology in social sciences, Interview as data-gathering method, Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.

Her current research projects include:

* Evidence-based health promotion@work. (Academy of Finland/SRC) 2016-2019

* Group counselling for lifestyle change. Group interaction and technologically mediated counselling as part of personalized health care (UTa & FIOH; Juho Vainio Foundation) 2014-2015,

* Return to work negotiation in supporting work-ability. (UTa & FIOH; The Finnish Work Environment Fund) 2015-2018

For CV and publications, see