Talk 4: Designing Feedback for Learners in Intelligent Learning Environments (SummerFest 2016)

Speaker: Dr Mike Timms, Australian Council for Educational Research
Date: 21 July 2016 (Thursday )
Time: 9:00-13:00
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
There is continuing growth in the use of Intelligent Learning Environments (ILEs) in which learners interact with a digital system that provides them with feedback designed to enhance their learning of the topic being taught. Typically systems report on progress to the learner, to the teacher and may make decisions about what learning activity to provide next. The efficacy of these systems rests upon a research-based understanding of how to identify when a learner is struggling and needs help; when to intervene; what feedback to provide; and how the learner processes the feedback. This session examines the research to date on the provision of feedback in ILEs and provides illustrations of how particular systems operationalize that research. It also puts forward a new model of how learners process the feedback received and reports on work in progress at the Science of Learning Research Centre in Australia to test and validate the model.