Talk 2: The State of the Learner: The Impact of Emotion Regulation Interventions on Teacher Stress and Student Learning (SummerFest 2016)

Speaker: Professor Annemaree Carroll, Science of Learning Research Centre, School of Education, The University of Queensland
Date: 21 July 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 9:00-13:00
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1, Meng Wah Complex, HKU
A key theme of the Science of Learning Research Centre in Australia focuses on emotions and learning. The ability to understand, recognize and regulate emotions is integral to academic performance, social competence, and general wellbeing. As such, the emotional state of a young person cannot be understated. Traditionally, data about emotional states in learners were gathered through modes such as interviews or questionnaires, and were generally retrospective. This session reports on research in progress using novel and neural data collection methods to: identify emotional states that may enhance or impede student learning; and examine the efficacy of specific emotion regulation interventions for both teachers and students. Methods incorporating fmri, wireless recording devices measuring physiological signals, sociometric badges gathering data on social interactions, and web-based applications of student’s real-time emotions will be described. Findings to date about teacher interventions centred on the practice of mindfulness and health enhancement and student interventions to improve emotion awareness and management will be discussed.