Tag Archives: social network data

Learning about Network Science Research

[date]January 14, 2014[/date]
[time]14:00 – 17:00[/time]
[venue]Room 820, Meng Wah Building, The University of Hong Kong[/venue]
[speaker]Professor Liaquat Hossain, University of Hong Kong[/speaker]
This workshop is part of Winter Institute 2014.


This is an introductory workshop on social network analysis for investigating complex social systems. I will highlight the data collection procedure, its benefits and limitations and standard measures of social network data.  The collection and analysis of relational and attribute data offers richer insights with regards to the investigation of structural effects of network position on learning outcomes. Second, drawing from theoretical and methodological strengths of previous studies conducted in complex systems, I will describe the process for collecting relational data and primarily discuss two specific types of social network data collection approaches–(i) whole network and (ii) ego-centric network approach; and highlight its opportunities and challenges. Finally, I will discuss the problem of network sampling and challenges associated with analyzing social network data.


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