Tag Archives: motor learning

Interdisciplinary research on motor learning

[date]30th May (Friday), 2014[/date]
[time]12:30 to 14:00pm[/time]
[venue]Runme Shaw Building 205, The University of Hong Kong[/venue]
[speaker]Dr Suzanne Perry[/speaker]
[speaker]Dr Frank Zhu[/speaker]
[chair]Dr Susan Bridges[/chair]


How people (e.g., elite performers, surgeons, dentists, children, elderly and patient groups) learn motor skills and how this learning can be enhanced and improved  is receiving increasing attention from researchers and practitioners in areas such as sports coaching, surgical/dental educations, and rehabilitation therapy.  In this seminar, two young scholars will address the issue from two perspectives. One will present her recent research findings in motor learning in dentistry; the other will introduce an emerging noninvasive brain stimulation technology that can be applied to enhance motor learning.

[post slug="motor-learning-dentistry-vision-future" subtitle="Topic 1"]

[post slug="stimulating-motor-learning-transcranial-electrical-stimulation-tes-approach" subtitle="Topic 2"]


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