A Narrative Inquiry of Parental Involvement within Early Childhood English Language Literacy Development in Hong Kong

Speaker: Keisha Siriboe, Doctoral Student, English Language Education, The University of Hong Kong
Time: 14:00-17:00
Venue: Room 802, Meng Wah Complex, HKU

This study considers underlying factors that impact Hong Kong (HK) parent’s engagement in early literacy development within the home environment using a narrative inquiry framework. HK is positioned as the research site for this study and represents an intriguing context with the latest  Progress in International Reading Literacy Survey (PIRLS) showing HK  parents having the world’s lowest rates for engaging in early literacy activities with their children. Participants engaged in an investigation of their identity formation considering who they were, and who they were becoming in their dual roles of parent/teacher in their child’s early learning (ages 0-6 years old) of the English language. Specific attention was paid to English language literacy activities amongst parents and their children within the home environment. By inquiring into the narratives of parents, this study will build an understanding of how their stories of experience form their identities as parents/teachers within their home environment.