Integrating neural, cognitive and pedagogical approaches to learning research and educational intervention
Learning and Assessment
Building Tools and Theory for Learning across Levels
Winter Institutes
Meeting of Minds Series
Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI)
Public Lectures
Research Seminars
International Convention
Co-convenors and Key Members
Affiliated Researchers
NfE Lab
Event Announcement
Event Followup
Grand Challenge Workshop
Information requested from participants interested in contributing to the TRS project as co-I
Survey form
1. Your name
2. Affiliation
3. Position
4. Email
5. Research Interests
6. Are you interested in joining this research project as a co-Investigator?
Yes ( If yes, please continue and complete the rest of this survey)
No (If no, please press submit)
7. Which Work Packages interest you most (you may tick up to two)
WP1 Digital Citizenship Developmental Scale
WP2 Collaborative Problem Solving Games Design and Game Competition Portal
WP3 Digital Citizenship Assessment Framework, Performance Assessment Design and Analysis
WP4 Contextual Variables Indicators Framework and Statistical Modeling
WP5 Digital Citizenship Study Portal
8. Involvement in other TRS proposals in the current exercise
Are you involved in other full proposal(s) submitted under the current TRS exercise in the capacity of PC/Co-PI/Co-I (including those submitted through the coordinating institution of this proposal or through other institutions)
If yes, please provide the following information about this other submitted TRS proposal that you are involved with: Project title
Name of Project Coordinator
Your Capacity in this other project
Does this other TRS proposal (as a whole or in some of its components) share similarities to the current proposal?
9. Involvement in projects sharing similarities with the current proposal
Is there an ongoing, completed project, or proposal pending funding approval which shares similarities with the current proposal that you are involved in the capacity of PC/Co-PI/Co-I (including those submitted through the coordinating institution of this proposal or through other institutions)?
If yes, please provide the following information about this other submitted TRS proposal that you are involved with: Project title
Name of Project Coordinator
Funding agency:
Your Capacity in this other project:
Project period:
10. Your grant record: Number of on-going research projects you are currently involved in:
Please provide your grant record in a separate WORD document as an attachment, using the format below. You may choose to:
Submit later
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Example: 12
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World Education Frontiers Summit
2017 International Science of Learning Conference (Sep 18-20, Brisbane, Australia)
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SoL-SRT & overseas institutes
Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities
With Google+ plugin by Geoff Janes